ecobee3 Setting Your Weekly Schedule

Setting Your Weekly Schedule

Your heating and cooling needs change depending on the time of day, day of the week, as well as when you are home or away. For example, if there’s no one in the house during the workday you might want to let the temperature go up in the summer, to reduce energy used by the air conditioning system, and down in the winter, to reduce heating energy. The ecobee3 adapts to how your home and heating and cooling equipment perform. Intelligent algorithms combine weather data, your equipment run times and occupancy schedules to optimize performance and maximize energy savings. This means you can be comfortable when you are home and save money when you are not.

ecobee3 setting up weekly schedule

On Thermostat and Mobile:

  1. Select Main Menu > Schedule
  2. Touch the day of the week you want to adjust.
  3. Select an existing scheduled activity to edit. You can also
    create a new activity by touching +.
  4. Select Start time.
  5. Swipe to select the new time value. Note: You can only
    select time values that are at least 30 min after the
    previous activity to 30 min before the next scheduled
    activity (i.e. you cannot overlap activity times).
  6. Touch Save.
  7. If you have added a new activity, you need to select
    Comfort Setting to use.
  8. Touch Save.
  9. Touch the Back arrow to return to the Schedule screen
    where you can make additional changes as required.

Hint: You can copy the entire schedule from one day to another day (for example, if all your weekdays follow the same schedule). Display the first day, touch the copy button, select which days to apply the changes to, and touch Save.

On Web:

To edit an existing activity:

  1. Select Schedule tile.
  2. Select an existing scheduled activity to edit.
  3. Select Start time.
  4. Select Save.

To create a new activity:

  1. On the Schedule tile, select Add activity.
  2. Select the day.
  3. Select Next.
  4. Select the Comfort Setting to use during the activity.
  5. Select Next.
  6. Select Start time.
  7. Select Save.

To copy the entire schedule from one day to another day (for
example, if all your week days follow the same schedule):

  1. On the Schedule tile, select Copy.
  2. Select the day to copy.
  3. Select Next.
  4. Select the days that will use the copied schedule (you
    can select more than one).
  5. Select Save.

ecobee3 User Guide